• So You Need a Coach...

    I did, too. When I was making a BIG career change, I had no idea where to start. I was unorganized, a procrastinator, and felt major imposter syndrome. But then, I reached out for help! My coach gave me the skills, organization, and confidence that I needed to branch out on my own, take control of my health, and take control of my life!

    How often do you ask yourself “Man, I wish I could change….”

    Or maybe instead you say “I don’t know how to navigate [life, career change, health, weight loss, etc]”.

    As a behavior coach, I work with individuals who are in transitional moments of their lives. They may come to me because they want a career change, going through a divorce, looking to get healthier, looking to change bad habits, or to increase more positive behaviors in their daily lives. Coaching is about helping you create moments in your life, happy moments. Ones that you can look back on and go "Yes, I did that!" Using behavior analysis and acceptance and commitment training, I help you do just that!

    I can help you navigate the priorities in your life. In our sessions, we focus on what your values are, what struggles you are facing, and how we can focus on your behaviors to address those struggles. You may already have a plan in mind and just need some extra assistance in getting organized. Or maybe, you come with a completely blank slate and no idea where to start. Our sessions are structured to your needs.

    Contact me today for your free 30-minute discovery call on how coaching can help reform your life!

    Or Join my public and free coaching facebook group today!

Individual Coaching for children, teens, and adults!

  • Self-Advocacy Skills

  • Conversation Skills

  • Job Skills

  • Basic Living Skills/ Independent Living Skills

  • Planning/Time Management

  • Social Media Safety

  • Dating and Relationships

  • Self-Management

  • Executive Functioning Skills

  • Health and Wellness

  • Adaptive Skills

  • Value Building

  • And more!